Sunday, February 19, 2012

Global Awareness--Sweden

This is a continuing series of posts from recent talks to the student ministry of our church. 

The nation of Sweden is very different from the countries that we have talked about in past weeks.  Unlike the other countries we have talked about, extreme poverty is not something that many Swedes have to deal with.  The purpose of talking about Sweden (which has a literacy rate of 99%, and a high standard of living), is to show that although a nation may be rich in material possessions, they are still in need of a spiritual awakening.


Population:  9.2 million
Capitol:  Stockholm
Life Expectancy:  80.8 years
     -Christian:  57%
     -Non-religious:  38%

*Source:  Operation World by Jason Mandryk

Challenges for Prayer
(For the prayer challenge I contacted a friend who is missionary to university students in Sweden)

-Spiritual Decline
     -Pray for a spiritual awakening, and that Christianity would be more than read about in history books in Sweden.

-Pray Against Apathy
     -Many Swedes have zero spiritual awareness.  Pray for a desire to know God.

-University Ministry
     -This generation knows almost nothing of biblical truth.  Pray for openings to minister to university students.

Prayer Illustration

Sweden is known for its heavy machinery industry.  Remember to pray for Sweden when you see heavy machinery.

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